
The scodec-bits library contains data structures for working with binary. It has no dependencies, which allows it to be used by other libraries without causing dependency conflicts.

There are two primary data structures in the library, ByteVector and BitVector. Both are immutable collections and have performance characteristics that are optimized for use in the other scodec modules. However, each type has been designed for general purpose usage, even when other scodec modules are not used. For instance, ByteVector can be safely used as a replacement for immutable byte arrays.


The ByteVector type is isomorphic to a scala.collection.immutable.Vector[Byte] but has much better performance characteristics. A ByteVector is represented as a balanced binary tree of chunks. Most operations have asymptotic performance that is logarithmic in the depth of this tree. There are also quite a number of convenience based features, like value based equality, a sensible toString, and many conversions to/from other data types.

It is important to note that ByteVector does not extend any types from the Scala collections framework. For instance, ByteVector is not a scala.collection.immutable.Traversable[Byte]. This allows some deviance, like Long based indexing instead of Int based indexing from standard collections. Additionally, it avoids a large category of bugs, especially as the standard library collections are refactored. Nonetheless, the methods on ByteVector are named to correspond with the methods in the standard library when possible.

Getting Started 

Let’s create a ByteVector from a literal hexadecimal string:

scala> import scodec.bits._
import scodec.bits._

scala> val x: ByteVector = hex"deadbeef"
x: scodec.bits.ByteVector = ByteVector(4 bytes, 0xdeadbeef)

scala> val y: ByteVector = hex"DEADBEEF"
y: scodec.bits.ByteVector = ByteVector(4 bytes, 0xdeadbeef)

scala> x == y
res0: Boolean = true

We first start by importing all members of the scodec.bits package, which contains the entirety of this library. We then create two byte vectors from hexadecimal literals, using the hex string interpolator. Finally, we compare them for equality, which returns true, because each vector contains the same bytes.

Constructing Byte Vectors 

There are a variety of ways to construct byte vectors. The hex string interpolator is useful for testing and REPL experiments but often, it is necessary to construct byte vectors from other data types. Most commonly, a byte vector must be created from a standard library collection, like a Vector[Byte] or Array[Byte], or a Java NIO ByteBuffer. This is accomplished with the apply method on the ByteVector companion.

When constructing a ByteVector from an array, the array contents are copied. This is the safest behavior, as any mutations to the original byte array do not cause problems with the immuable ByteVector. However, the cost of copying can be prohibitive in some situations. To address this, a byte array can be converted to a ByteVector with a constant time operation — ByteVector.view(array). Using view requires the byte array to never be modified after the vector is constructed.

ByteVectors can also be created from strings in various bases, like hexadecimal, binary, or base 64. For example, to convert a hexadecimal string to a ByteVector, use ByteVector.fromHex(string). There are quite a number of methods related to base conversions — explore the ScalaDoc of the ByteVector companion object for details.


The BitVector type is similar to ByteVector with the exception of indexing bits instead of bytes. This allows access and update of specific bits (via apply and update) as well as storage of a bit count that is not evenly divisible by 8.

Getting Started 

scala> val x: BitVector = bin"00110110101"
x: scodec.bits.BitVector = BitVector(11 bits, 0x36a)

scala> val y: BitVector = bin"00110110100"
y: scodec.bits.BitVector = BitVector(11 bits, 0x368)

scala> x == y
res0: Boolean = false

scala> val z = y.update(10, true)
z: scodec.bits.BitVector = BitVector(11 bits, 0x36a)

scala> x == z
res1: Boolean = true

In this example, we create two 10-bit vectors using the bin string interpolator that differ in only the last bit. We then create a third vector, z, by updating the 10th bit of y to true. Comparing x and y for equality returns false whereas comparing x and z returns true.

Constructing Bit Vectors 

BitVectors are constructed in much the same way as ByteVectors. That is, typically via the apply and view methods in the BitVector companion object. Additionally, any ByteVector can be converted to a BitVector via the bits method (e.g., myByteVector.bits) and any BitVector can be converted to a ByteVector via the bytes method.

TODO unfold, nio


Both ByteVectors and BitVectors support a number of different transformations.

Collection Like Transforms 


Bitwise Transforms 


Base Conversions 


Cyclic Redundancy Checks